Hours and Pricing

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Hours Of Operation
Wednesday thru Sunday 11:00 am to 9:00pm
Wednesday thru Sunday 12:00pm to Dark Winter

During the week, the facility will be available for private events, corporate team building, etc. We also plan on league in the near future and  we do hold tournaments. Also if there is a demand for it, we will be open more evenings during the week.  So call and set up your party of paintball fun.


Group Events and Pricing:
Do you have an upcoming birthday party you need to plan? A corporate team building event you're in charge of? Or any other event where you want to try something a little more exciting that the average activities? Then how about scheduling a paintball outing.

Your group can play as long as you wish during our normal business hours* and you will save money whether individuals have their own equipment, or need to rent all the gear.

And for the Birthday Boy or Girl... With 10 or more in the group, the guest of honor gets Free Entry.  20 or more guests... Free entry and Rental Pkg. !
(Note: If the Birthday boy or girl already has their own equipment, the offer can be switched to a free bag of 500 paintballs.)

6-20 players
20+ players

**Save 10% on Rentals and Paint
**Save 15% on Rentals and Paint

Contact us for pricing on special events scheduled during non-business hours.
(Note: Groups must be booked at least 48 hours in advance to take advantage of the discounts, and a non-refundable deposit of $50 will be required for any group booking.)
Want the field all to yourself for parties call for private field rental prices!
$15.00 Field Fee w/ Air or Co2: If you have all your own equipetment and just need Air or Co2.
$35.00 Rental Package: If you need it all. Package includes Marker w/hopper filled once, Mask, all day Co2, And Chest protector.
  Our Field is a FPO (Field paint only)

(Except on Thursday BROP!)


$40.00/$65.00 Paint Prices per-case 2000 rounds.
$25.00 per 1/2 case (field paint) 1000 rounds
$15.00 per bag  (field paint) 500 rounds
$8.00 per hopper (field paint) appox. 180 rounds
Individual Items
$6.00 Air Tank 3000 psi
$5.00 Co2 tank
$5.00 Marker (Tippmann 98)
$5.00 Body Armor
$5.00 Mask
$2.00 Gravity Hopper
$2.00 Barrel Cover/Plug
Just need Air or Co2 on the go Fills
$5.00 Air to 4500 psi
$5.00 Co2 16-20 oz
$4.00 Co2   9-14 oz 

Plan on playing a lot? Then take advantage of special passes from 1 month up to 1 year. Pass includes field fee and all day air or Co2 for play during our normal business hours.

  • One Month     $60.00
  • Three Months $150.00
  • Six Months     $275.00
  • One Year        $475.00


Contact Us and book your party @
Hot Shot Paintball Zone
Field and Store 505-320-0043
Mon-Sat NMSD 505-325-2728
FAX  505-325-2453



Click here to download Wavier to play!

Fill out the Form for a quote for your party!

Full Name:
E-Mail Address:
Phone #
Date Want to Have party
How Many players In Group
How many Rental pkgs.


For more information call: 505-320-0043 OR 505-325-2728